Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Kitten Died"

We went to the orchard yesterday, the four of us, and did not pick one apple. We played leapfrog, jump over the dad, roll on the ground, etc, etc, and Tate often forgot that there were others enjoying the day around us. She kept yelling (happy yelling) and just being generally loud. We finally told her that every time she yelled, a kitten died (play off "It's a Wonderful Life," albeit a little darker...). Few minutes later, she screamed, looked at us and said, "kitten died!" That girl is quick. Cracks us up.

We ended up buying much cheaper pumpkins at Home Depot - a little sad buying pumpkins off a pallet, and a little sad not supporting a local orchard, but we all are feeling the pinch. Plus we just laid out a tidy sum for eye doctor checkups and glasses for all (!!!).

Happy, happy fall.

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