Monday, September 22, 2014

What's in a week?

Quick check of my photos shows me that since Saturday, 13 September, a whole lot has been going on over here.

Saturday - Meeting at a math/science school that Smith is going to apply to. Only 60 kids out of 700 get accepted, so it's a loooong shot, but he is interested so we'll see what happens.

Saturday later - Smith, Grammy and I went to Antietam with my cousin, Steve, to see the reenactment of the battle. The battle actually occurred 152 years ago, September 17. It was a drizzly day that ended up being beautiful with great temperatures, and it was really nice to spend the day with Steve, who is a Civil War EXPERT. We hit a yummy creamery for ice cream on the way home.

Grammy's first selfie! She and Smith were cracking up.

Sunday - Taters had a game about 2 hours away. We drove with friends, as Smith and David had a different game that was far away. We won, and it was a pretty day to be outside. Afterwards, the entire team went for ice cream. I love this team! The girls and the parents. Really could not be happier.

Monday - Smith came home not feeling well. Got puppy cuddling, though.

Seriously, this dog.

Thursday - High school football game, and the 8th grade middle school band was invited to work with the HS marching band. Smith played (I can't remember its real name) a french horn/trumpet, or as he called it, a frumpet. It was a beautiful night!

Friday - Elementary Ice Cream Social! No pics as I as co-chair and busy, but it was all outside and fun and a great time with all the kids. Pre-social, we had the kids at the school making a maze for the classroom mouse? Hamster?

Saturday - Brownie meeting and short hike, gymnastics, lunch with my mother-in-law, then dinner at her place. Full and nice day.

Sunday - more soccer (Taters scored both goals!). bake sale with her bff (made $80 - $30 of it was for pediatric cancer research. Go girls!), dog park and then regular park. Gorgeous day.

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