Sunday, June 30, 2013


Kids finished their camps - Tate had a girl scout camp all week, and Smith finished out his two week Summer in the Arts program. They both really enjoyed them! I got some alone time with Smith on Friday - his camp was 9-11 on Friday, so parents could come and see what they had been up to. We walked around, I saw his computer graphics class, animation, robotics, and woodworking. Then, lunch at Chipotle (a quiet lunch!) and the county-wide book fair.

Presents for Tate's favorite counselors

Smith had a friend spend both Friday and Saturday nights over - a super easy, good kid, who also helped coach Tate's SuperStar Elite Girls Team. David hand-picked 6 girls for a local tourney. We named them Poison Ivies, and on the back of the shirt it said, "Don't Touch Me."

The 4 twenty minute games were great - we won them all! The 4th game was a championship game, where we started out as #1. It ended at 0-0, so we did a 3 minute overtime; still 0-0. THEN...they did penalty kicks! The other team started first - first girl got a goal, we didn't, second girl didn't, we DID, third girl didn't, Tate was up...1-1...Tate GOT IT IN!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, what a game, what a high. It was seriously fun to watch.

Crazy girls!!

Boys working their "coaching muscles"

Best kind of pool time - me reading a book, them having lots of fun!

We ended the weekend with was a lazy, easy dinner that I somehow convinced everyone was a learning experience (I do believe David is on to me...) - it was a "CH" night - CHips, CHeese, naCHos, CHerries, peaCHes, CHorizo sausage. I even had CHerry juice for a drink! Oh, and dessert? CHocolate! Smith said that kind of dinner is best with watching football, so we watched true football, soccer!

This was a great weekend, really nice family time. We're all off to various places next week, so it was nice to be all together now.

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