GORGEOUS weather here today - delightful. Tate and I hit 3 playgrounds (well, 2, but we went to one of them twice!), I took a long walk with a dear friend, went to two soccer practices with Smith, walked to Starbucks with Tate and stuck our fingers in a fountain, walked the dogs, did laundry, finished my work (yaaa!).
Tate told me today that she wants to be a nature photographer when she grows up. She likes to go in the woods, and especially likes the sound of leaves when they crunch beneath your feet. I am the lucky recipient of many weed flowers. I need to relinguish control of the camera to her and to Smith more - when she takes pictures with my iPhone, some of the shots are amazing. Most are ears, floorboards, etc, but there are always a couple good ones. One of my favorites:
Smith had a funny thing happen last night. His school library had their used book sale, and with every 10 books donated, you get one free book. So we ended up donating 60 books, and he picked his 6 free ones during his classes time at the sale. Last night he was digging through the six books, picked up a Judy Blume one, and cried out, "Oh NO!" Turns out Judy Blume's book, "Double Fudge" was actually "Doble Fudge" - it was the Spanish version! The dollar bill on the front even says "plata".
Not from today, but isn't he a cutie?
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