I had a wonky health issue the other day, all is well now, but I was worried. First thing I did when I got home was to write how thankful I am for doctors who give their careers up to help save others. What a noble profession. I think it's easy to get lost in the insurance claims and the short visits, but these are people who are dedicated to making sure people they don't know are okay. I think that's pretty great.
On other topics, I have been terrible about taking photos of the things I have made recently, for Christmas or just in general. I made coasters for my parents (crochet), a scarf for my mother-in-law which I also did not get a photo of, a shrug for Tate, and a cuttlefish for Smith. I also made little gift card crochet holders which seem to be a big hit, and a future class for the local knit/sew/crochet store. I also made a cute bag that will be a future child class. I am now making birthday presents for my niece and my mom, and a QUILT for ME! I've had this flannel fabric for about 3 years, with the intent of making a quilt. Tate is taking a sewing class my MIL got her for Christmas at this great local store. She's making a pouf (an ottoman, essentially) and it has inspired me to do some sewing. I just need the binding material and the stuff for the insides and I'm ready to go!
gift card holders/change purses
Crochet bag, future class
Hat and wrist warmers for my beautiful niece
Tate at her pouf class
Quilt top, complete!
Ice skating, Egyptian style, in her shrug

This is from where I got the cuttlefish design - Smith's is red but looks just like this guy.