Thursday, April 25, 2013

I love scrolling through my photos - I forget sometimes that we do a lot of cool stuff.

It's been almost 20 days since I last posted, and not for want of something to write. It's just busy. I'm tired of busy. Spring is always like this, with soccer (times two now), gymnastics, WORK, and this pressure to be outside ENJOYING it all. Although I do, enjoy it that is.

We've just about out of firewood season, which is nice and sad all at once. I love sitting in our little back room, all snugly with a fire and kids and David and beagle. But I'm also fine with the sun setting closer to 7:30 now and getting a bit more out of each day - and the warmth and flowers are overwhelmingly pretty right now! I could do without the yellow haze over my entire car, though. I do not remember a prettier spring - we've had spring weather instead of that weather where it turns from cold to hot overnight. We have chilly mornings, warm afternoons, and chilly evenings. Perfect.

Here is a little bit of our spring...

See that fireplace? and Scrabble? And my two favorite littler people?

Love her sentences.

No, this isn't Tate; I'm going to a party. Yes, dressed like that.

Bike ride - hope to do lots more of this coming soon.

 Red bridge park with a kite

Awww, see that smile??

Maria Cart

Chicken at the farmers market

Goat at the farmers market

Pretend cow at safeway. What the...?!?!

The garden has begun! Brussel sprouts, spinach, lettuce, snap peas. 

Daisy camp

Making an "edible fire". We have a great troop leader!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

March in Pictures!

March is always a busy month for us - lots of family birthdays. This year, David was going to a coaching seminar on Tate's actual day, so we had family day the day before, and then celebrated with my mom, who's birthday it is, too (they share a March birthday! So special!).

Family day was special in another way, too, as one of Tate's best buddies has a birthday the day BEFORE her. So roller skating at another friend's party, then went to see the final game of Smith's indoor season where they WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP - we saw the game winning ending which was a nail biter for sure. Next up was Rebounderz, the indoor trampoline place - super fun (and expensive) and how can you say no to the indoor hurricane machine on a girl's birthday?? We had a simple dinner at home, David went off to do more soccer learning, then, sleep.

Birthday morning, we met my parents for some bagels, then headed off to Cunningham Falls for their Maple Syrup Festival. Mmm - pancakes and sausage and Maryland maple syrup. It was a beautiful day!

So, 7 years ago, on my mom's and Tate's birthday:

And today:

Pretty cute, right? And Smith, still in orange!
