Saturday, September 29, 2012


Oooh - fall is in the AIR! I love love love this time of year. Cool nights with the window open and snuggling under a down comforter, chilly sweatshirt mornings and warm sun in the middle. We did some yard work today, some errands, Tate's soccer game (she scored a hatrick! 3 goals from the Mighty Beans!). Spud came with us to Home Depot and wouldn't sit in the cart - just stood, with shaking flanks, in the cart. We weren't sure he'd be allowed, but every employee we passed said "Awww!" and gave him big pets.

We went to a nearby bridge last weekend and did a small hike, got Spud wet, saw a train go by. We've had just gorgeous weather.

Today was also the day of a big fundraiser for family friends who have a son with bone cancer. He's 11. We went to a frozen yogurt place to support his family (profits go to help pay medical expenses). I find myself overcome with emotion about what they are going through - the love and support they have seen since this started, through friends, family, and a LOT of strangers, and I think about how strong this boy is, how for the last 5 years that I've known him, he always has a smile on his face. Even now. He is strong. The fundraiser today was a big community effort, and I hope this family can see how many lives they have touched through this awful situation, and how people who will never meet them love and support them. It really is amazing, when you open yourself up to accept support - financial, emotional, whatever - it just is so good to see how good people can be.

Here are some recent pics.

Spud the Beagle not in control of his own destiny

He emerged

Railroad tie

Howling Spud the Beagle

Praying Mantis - apparently they are big scratchers!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So this past week and a half was a bittersweet - my Father-in-Law (David's mother's husband) passed away on September 10. He had been rather sick for a while. He was a very good husband to my Mother-in-Law, a great Papa to my kids, and always easy to talk to and be around. He and Smith would always talk history - he was a high school history teacher, and would say (before he retired) that he had been in school for 62 years or something crazy - from kindergarten until retirement. One of his other quotes, which is a favorite of mine, is, when you see an 'unusual' person walking about, he would say, "Well, there's a seat for every ass!"

The GOOD that came out of this past visit to Rhode Island was spending lots of time with my mother in law, and David (and all of us) seeing two of his other favorite people - his Aunt and Uncle that were almost like second parents to him. I've spent a good bit of time with them now, and definitely agree - they are good people. 

We spent some time as family, gathering sea glass, walking along the shore, hunting around tidal pools, walking through parks, and, sadly, going to a funeral. The day after the funeral, we happened to see hearts in trees! Natural bark formations, and even a leaf, all that looked like hearts! We figured it was Papa, telling us he loves us. Every time we saw one, Smith would yell out, "We love you too, Papa!"

Family is good.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

September stands for Soccer

We are fully in the swing of soccer now - practices, games, tournaments, sideline fun. We are at a game/practice/technical training event at least once per day now (sometimes the kids overlap!). Smith's season start has been stellar - scored 2 goals against a tough team in a tournament (I'm feeling very Suess-like with all my S's and T's!). He was the reason we tied 2-2 in one game! GO SMITH!

He's also David's assistant coach for Tate's team - you can see him pacing the sideline at Tate's first game. Tate didn't get any actual goals, but she played beautifully. She's really listening to her coach and getting some basic skills done.

Really proud of these two. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

August 2012/It's the End of Summer

Garden harvesting/putting up, Daisy camp preparation and fun, soccer camp, Smith Mountain Lake, DC United, soccer, Best Beagle Ever, Kings Dominion, First Day of School. August was a busy month!!

Papa Bear

Habanero Jelly

DC United with a buddy

SML - the best!

Daisy Camp

Alone time with just Smith - a rarity!


Local joy and beauty

Slurpee break


Kings Dominion (we surprised Tate - told her we were going to a yarn/knitting convention)

1st and 6th! Wow!
