We went to a nearby bridge last weekend and did a small hike, got Spud wet, saw a train go by. We've had just gorgeous weather.
Today was also the day of a big fundraiser for family friends who have a son with bone cancer. He's 11. We went to a frozen yogurt place to support his family (profits go to help pay medical expenses). I find myself overcome with emotion about what they are going through - the love and support they have seen since this started, through friends, family, and a LOT of strangers, and I think about how strong this boy is, how for the last 5 years that I've known him, he always has a smile on his face. Even now. He is strong. The fundraiser today was a big community effort, and I hope this family can see how many lives they have touched through this awful situation, and how people who will never meet them love and support them. It really is amazing, when you open yourself up to accept support - financial, emotional, whatever - it just is so good to see how good people can be.
Here are some recent pics.
Spud the Beagle not in control of his own destiny
He emerged
Railroad tie
Howling Spud the Beagle
Praying Mantis - apparently they are big scratchers!