Well, he's more than two hands! He's two hands and a finger (toe?) - Smith is now 11. He asked for (and received) books, books and more books, plus a Kindle and case (thanks grandmom, granddad and great grandmom!), plus a Wii game (thanks grammy!), plus a shirt about Minecraft from his favorite sister. We did Chic Fil A for dinner, then Razzle - Birthday Boy's choice! Notice I didn't remind him that he loves sushi - that boy can put sushi away!
Tate also lost tooth #3 (front!) as she was taking off her sweatshirt before he opened presents - a bit of a tragedy but it all went okay.
So much is happening right now - Smith's 11th birthday, end of school, start of summer plans, Smith's GRADUATION from elementary school (the tears will be flowing like wine tomorrow, I'm sure!), busy workload. Life feels very full - in that crazy way. I'm looking forward to figuring out our summer schedule as it happens and lessening the "full".
Meanwhile, though, 11! ELEVEN!