Thursday, October 13, 2011

Right now I am loving... oddly, quirkily funny she is
...listening to her play and what comes out of her mouth
...that she wants to take a bath multiple times a day to play with her toys in the tub (soon she will run out of water room! There are foam letters, plastic insects, polly pockets, tea set, etc, etc
...her love of school, and watching her make new friends
...her little face, glasses free for a short time more (although the pink/black frames with little mushrooms on the side are only going to make her more adorable!)
...going on nature walks to collect pretty leaves, acorns, and to check on our leprechaun tree she asks me to sit with her so we can "just talk," then she asks what I want to talk about
...that she sneaks food and thinks I don't know it
...that she changes clothes minimum 2 times a day, often into seasonally inappropriate attire (sundress in October? Sure! Why not!)
...her adoration of her big brother

...seeing an open book on, seriously, almost every flat surface in this house
...his excitement over his new glasses (oh that face!!) excited he was for the Jeopardy online test
...his love of school, his teachers, his friends
...watching him play Legos - the toy that has been with us for over 9 years
...listening to him talk with friends when they come over
...his brain. Goodness he has a brain on him!
...his humor - dry, wry, sometimes just plain 10 year old silly his first thing every morning is to hang out with me on his sofa and slowly wake up 
...his love and ability for soccer
...his adoration of his little sister

"Kitten Died"

We went to the orchard yesterday, the four of us, and did not pick one apple. We played leapfrog, jump over the dad, roll on the ground, etc, etc, and Tate often forgot that there were others enjoying the day around us. She kept yelling (happy yelling) and just being generally loud. We finally told her that every time she yelled, a kitten died (play off "It's a Wonderful Life," albeit a little darker...). Few minutes later, she screamed, looked at us and said, "kitten died!" That girl is quick. Cracks us up.

We ended up buying much cheaper pumpkins at Home Depot - a little sad buying pumpkins off a pallet, and a little sad not supporting a local orchard, but we all are feeling the pinch. Plus we just laid out a tidy sum for eye doctor checkups and glasses for all (!!!).

Happy, happy fall.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Getting ready

Weather could not be more beautiful right now. The last several days have had skies of all blue, crisp evenings and nights, and up to 75 during the day. FALL IS HERE!!! And no rain! Ahhh - perfect. 

Wood pile moved to the back, check. (It spent a good week and a half in our driveway under a tarp to keep it dry). Who says we don't provide our kids with good, clean fun? Well, maybe not clean...

Tate's soccer is back on after the rain, too - Smith was David's assistant, and he told David "now I understand why you like coaching kids so much." He loved helping his sister's team. It's all girls now, and they scrimmage with a ball always in play, but David is teaching them real soccer, and they are getting it! Look at that girl - she's getting so big!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nerds and making lemonade

Chipotle, our weekend favorite. The boys were making a Tate sandwich. Tate found a Nerd anomaly, and no, she doesn't have two left hands, the other one is Smith's. Finally stopped raining on Monday so we went outside - we ended up very wet and soggy, but darn it, we were going to enjoy the rain respite! Leapfrog was ON!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


We haven't had this much rain since...yesterday. I feel moldy. We've had soccer cancelled over and over again. Fall is my favorite time of year, usually! This is getting very old.

Finally got the caterpillars from the Butterfly kit that Santa gave Tate last Christmas (!!) - they are firmly ensconced in their chrysallids currently, and we should see some moth action in the next couple of days. Amazing creatures that are able to transform from one shape to another like this. 

We were able to get some fun in at JoAnn Fabrics - Check out this scary mask! Freaky, right?

This was the sky at soccer one night. Gorgeous. We were waiting for the dark skies behind us to drop their rain again (are you sensing a theme of pessimism and lack of sunshine? I would never make it in Seattle!). 

Walk to 7-11 for slurpees - it's now gotten quite cool (put the heat on for the first time), so this may be one of our last walks for this season. Always a favorite. And look at those cutie patooties!
