Saturday, May 28, 2011

Last Day of Preschool

So bittersweet. Even Tate thinks it's bittersweet. Her teacher said Tate was the only one she couldn't look at all week - every time they practiced for the end of year songs, Tate would have a sad look on her face, and when the class cheered that "tomorrow is the last day of preschool," Tate didn't seem so happy. Now don't get me wrong, she is so excited to ride a bus, to join her big brother at elementary school, to learn to read, to be a bigger girl. But she's sure going to miss the two wonderful ladies who have welcomed her with a smile every day, who have cheered on her accomplishments, who have loved her. 

I am feeling bittersweet, baby, my sweet girl is now 5 and her list of accomplishments are many. She knows how to ride a bike with no training wheels, pump on the swing, swim under water (and can take a breath without touching!). But she still needs me, I know. She is the most loving little human I've ever known. She is passionate, adoring, FUNNY, an accomplished artist, kind, friendly. I think every day how lucky I am to be her mommy and be home with her. And as David often says, just when we think we've reached the pinnacle of delight with our children, their new age is even better. How lucky does that make us? 

So bring it on, Kindergarten. I'll hold my tears for now.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


*Hearing my girl run up the stairs for one more armload of stuffed animals for her tent

*Going to a baby reveal party - such a sweet time! It's a...BOY!

*Seeing shoots come out of the ground in our garden (and the thriving tomato plants)

*Visiting an alpaca farm where we missed the birth of a baby alpaca by 3 minutes! Such sweet animals - I was obligated to buy a skein of the mama alpaca's spun yarn, so soft. The two white alpacas moved in unison - they were hilarious.

*The love of Smith for his sister during a blackout, hugging her so she wouldn't be so scared

*The look and smell of our freshly mowed lawn


*The box greeting me when I arrive home

* style just the 4 of us on a field, practice, games

***Life is good.***

Sunday, May 22, 2011

He shoots, he SCORES!

But I didn't get it on my camera. I got an after-shot, but even that was after the fist-pumping! He's a lefty, and he got the goal in from the left side, with his left foot. UVA Soccer Scholarship, here we come!

It was a hot day, and the little ones were playing in the water fountain to cool off.

Tate read her first full sentence, with very little help: "The Cat is Hot". She is eager to learn to read but we are taking it slow - no pressure, it'll come to her just like it did to Smith. He started reading the first week of Kindergarten - everything just came together. Hot day - Slurpee weather. I think we've had...umm...4 or 5 already this season?? Good times.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Busy Life

It's been busy around here! Work, starting our community garden (David did all the hard work so far...I just drew what we wanted where), volunteering. Life! 

I just did these burp cloths for a favorite teacher who is expecting her first any day now. These are two of my favorite fabrics - especially the blue clown one. This was my last bigger piece of it! She's having a boy - I thought robots and clowns would be very appropriate. I made and used a ton of these for my two when they were babies, and Tate still uses them for blankets, waitressing, and burp cloths for her babies.

Tate has now figured out how to start herself on her bike (she's had the training wheels off for a while, but would need us to get her balanced and started). Such a sweet girl, too - she has made me at least 3 things for Mother's Day already, and has been so concerned about Smith making me a card, that she just made one for him to give me - "I even signed his name. All he has to do is add six hearts." She also wants to make me breakfast in bed!
Tate words:

Smith participated in his school's Wax Museum for 4th graders - each student was a famous Virginian. Smith was George Mason. The tour guides (group 2 of the students were tour guides for group 1, etc) would shine their flashlight on the name placard, and the Virginian would give their speech. It was a fantastic event!

 Isn't he adorable? 

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Went on a field trip with my 4th grader on Friday - GORGEOUS day. We spent some time in Virginia's capital, a place that I have only been through via I-95. We went to the Capital building first, then the Library of Congress, then the American Civil War Center, where we walked across to Brown's Island, saw a re-enactor, had lunch and some running around time. 

I learned a lot that Smith has been exposed to all year long, Virginia's history, our Nation's beginnings in Jamestown, the Civil War. It could not have been a prettier day! There was a definite slant to the Civil War talk- definitely "pro-Confederate" which I suppose is appropriate in that Virginia went with the Confederates. However, it has been a number of years, since then. But the re-enactor said something interesting. He said even if we disagree with who stood for what, we should be proud that people fought for what they believed, and that is a good example to live by today, as well. 

Afterwards, after the long bus ride home with 40+ 9-10 year olds, he and I got a frozen pizza (which we cooked!), watched "The Deathly Hallows" and ate some ice cream. It was a fantastic day.
