So bittersweet. Even Tate thinks it's bittersweet. Her teacher said Tate was the only one she couldn't look at all week - every time they practiced for the end of year songs, Tate would have a sad look on her face, and when the class cheered that "tomorrow is the last day of preschool," Tate didn't seem so happy. Now don't get me wrong, she is so excited to ride a bus, to join her big brother at elementary school, to learn to read, to be a bigger girl. But she's sure going to miss the two wonderful ladies who have welcomed her with a smile every day, who have cheered on her accomplishments, who have loved her.
I am feeling bittersweet, baby, my sweet girl is now 5 and her list of accomplishments are many. She knows how to ride a bike with no training wheels, pump on the swing, swim under water (and can take a breath without touching!). But she still needs me, I know. She is the most loving little human I've ever known. She is passionate, adoring, FUNNY, an accomplished artist, kind, friendly. I think every day how lucky I am to be her mommy and be home with her. And as David often says, just when we think we've reached the pinnacle of delight with our children, their new age is even better. How lucky does that make us?
So bring it on, Kindergarten. I'll hold my tears for now.